Easy guide to Moonshine Mob | Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course

The Moonshine Mob is one of Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course's new bosses and this guide will cover an easy method for beating the crafty critters. Note that this may not be the fastest way to defeat the Moonshine Mob but it is certainly one of the easiest.

Before entering the boss fight be sure to equip the following items:

  • Shot A - Crackshot
  • Shot B - Roundabout
  • Super - Shield Pal
  • Charm - Astral Cookie
You will get the Astral Cookie when starting the DLC and it allows you to play as Ms. Chalice. She has a useful double jump and a parry build into her dash instead of her jump, as well as an extra starting heart and a new set of supers. The super used in this guide will negate the next hit of damage you take which is very useful for keeping yourself healthy. Finally, Crackshot is a new weapon and can be bought from Porkrind's shop for 4 coins. It fires a red projectile in the target direction that changes direction if it does not hit anything and fires towards the nearest enemy to it. In practice it is a better version of the Chaser weapon from the base game as it does more damage.

Now that you're all set up enter the boss fight. You'll be confronted by the Mob which consists of four mini-bosses, starting with the Spider Mobster. You should try to stay on the center or bottom platforms and move between them to avoid damage and continuously hold down fire on Crackshot. There are five attacks to be aware of in this phase. Firstly, the Spider will crawl along random platforms from one side to the other, occasionally stopping to call in an attack, walking into him will cause you to take damage. Next, when he stops he can pull out a red button and press it which will call in balloon bombs. Walking into these will cause them to explode so make sure to either dash through them or walk quickly in and out to bait out the explosion. Another attack he can call in is a swarm of enemies that die in one hit. Spider will pull out a phone and make some noises and after a few seconds the enemies will fly in all over the stage and become targetable after a moment. Crackshot's homing attacks should take care of these easily but do not stand on any that are arriving. His third attack involves him kicking a caterpillar which rolls into a ball and bounces around the arena, once again your Crackshot should deal with this but it has more health than the other enemies so it will take longer. Last and certainly least, there will be bugs in police uniforms that fire a slow moving projectile, just move out the way or parry the pink ones and you'll be fine.
Eventually your Crackshot will take down the Spider Mobster and he will call in the next mini-boss, the Light Bug. Swap to your Roundabout and stand on the far side of the platform that she is on as she moves back and forth and fire in the opposite direction for maximum damage. Once again, walking into the boss will deal damage to the player. There will be two sets of three blue lasers that spin in opposite directions. When one set of these lasers turns yellow it means they are about to activate. Wait until the next yellow laser passes you and follow it around by dropping down, walking to the other side and jumping back up. By the time you reach the other side it will have turned blue again and you can stand at the edge and continue your barrage in the opposite direction. There are other enemies that run along the top and bottom platforms but you will only need to worry about these when moving between lasers and your Roundabout should kill any in front and behind you if you fire it continuously.
Keep blasting away with Roundabout until the Light Bug dies and prepare for the second to last mini-boss, the Anteater. Here you should swap back to your Crackshot and fire away for the rest of the fight. The Anteater will face a direction and poke its snout and tongue out above one of the three platforms at random repeatedly, getting hit by the snout or tongue will deal damage. After a few pokes it will extend its tongue out across the whole platform and pull a ball of enemies back before spitting them out again. Just don't be on the same level as the snout and you're golden. The spat out enemies will bounce around in a ball like the caterpillar in phase one so deal kill it with your Crackshot.
Defeating the Anteater will reward you with a Knockout screen but don't be fooled, it's a fake and the fight isn't quite over yet. You still need to beat the last mini-boss if you can even call him that. The Announcer Snail will appear on top of the knocked out Anteater's head and fire projectiles from its speaker. Move left and right and just fire your Crackshot and he should go down in a few hits.
And that's it! Congratulations on beating the Moonshine Mob and earning the Distillery Dough. You're one step closer to freeing Ms. Chalice and completing the DLC. For more Cuphead guides be sure to follow Critical Win. There will be easy guides for all of the bosses in the Delicious Last Course.


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